Salt Lamp FAQ’s

Hey there everyone! We thought it was a good time for us to post some FAQ’s we get regarding one of our best selling items: Salt Lamps! So without any further ado, here are some of the top questions and answers that we have to help you along the way.

Q: Why does my salt lamp sweat and leave a salty puddle on my table and how do I stop it?

A: Salt as a chemical is called hygroscopic (meaning it absorbs moisture from the air), therefore it will pull humidity from the air and slowly dissolve the salt lamp resulting in that salty wet mess on your table. Our recommendations for fixing it is to actually leave the light on more often (the heat from the bulb will help to keep moisture away), but you can also just reduce the humidity in the room by running a small dehumidifier or running your ac unit a bit more. (All of the cords we use and sell here at Grota Solna are UL listed)

Q: What does a salt lamp do for me?

A: The short answer, beautify your house. The long answer is that salt lamps themselves don’t do much for your house (there are some small studies that show they may help with things such as seasonal depression or help you get to sleep) However, some do have many uses! We sell lamps that can be used as warm salty massage balls, our salt lamp diffusers, or our famous heated salt foot domes. (You can sometimes catch Steve or Jared with their feet up if you come in quietly enough) and while these lamps don’t emit salt or anything they can be used for relaxation and warmth.

Q: I read that it ionizes and purifies the air, so you’re telling me that its not true?

A: We wish it was, it would be much better for business to be (ethically) able to market it as such! The true reason to have a salt lamp in your house is to add a nice warm glow to the particular room you are in.

Q: Where do I get new bulbs?

A: Stop in anytime! We would be happy to help you out. If you happen to not be in the area or wanting to visit our smiling faces, you can order them online. Either 15, 25, or 40 watt incandescent light bulb (E12 Base) depending on how warm you would like it to get (Careful! They can get HOT!) We recommend for most lamps the 15 or 25 watt depending on size.

Here is the direct link of where we order our 40 watt light bulbs! The 15 or 25 watts are much easier to find.

Q: How is your salt cave different then?

A: We have a halogenerator! When you come in for a session we actively grind up pharmaceutical grade salt into micron sized particles ranging from 0.3 microns to 1 micron, which you then breathe in. It’s in the same vein as gargling with some warm salt water when you have a sore throat, or the way a netti pot can help you out.


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